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GridTracks FAQ

Is there a version of GridTracks for macOS, Android tablets or iPad?

No, as due to the limited resources I have it is currently only available for Windows 10 (Windows 11 will also be supported). I don't really plan to make an Android tablet version because outside of Saumsung Dex it appears most Android manufacturers, and Google themselves, have given up on making a decent Android tablet. For macOS and iPadOS, if there is enough demand I am end up considering biting the bullet and just buying a Mac, but again I don't see the demand being there at this time (a Mac is required by Apple to publish both macOS and iPadOS apps).

Will GridTracks work on version of Windows before Windows 10?

When I started the app 4-5 years ago, I knew that I wanted to sell the app through the Microsoft Store just to simply the logistics of it. Unfortunately at that time apps for the Microsoft Store were required to be written in the UWP (Universal Windows Platform) framework, and this framework is only supported in Windows 10. The good thing however is that Windows 11 also supports UWP, and to be honest Windows 7 end-of-life is approaching so this won't be an issue I will worry myself with.

How frequently will you be planning on updating GridTracks?

To be honest, this starting off as a hobby project means that I will try to update GridTracks as frequently as possible, but no guarantees. As I am not an accountant or accounting student, I would greatly appreciate suggestions for what you would like to see in GridTracks. I can be emailed at dennishou8@hotmail.com, and I am grateful for all the help and support!

Contact Info

If you have any questions for me, please email me at dennishou8@hotmail.com. I will try to reply to you as soon as possible.


I understand that GridTracks is a paid app, but I would greatly appreciate extra support to make the app less of a hobby!

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